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So for my bokeh experience it was irritable at first but i started to get it down . I cut out a diamond shape for the lens to make the bokeh appear as a different shape but as you can see it was not portrayed the way i thought it was going to be. I do like the effect it gave off though this was about and inch or 2 away from the camera. My settings for this photo was ISO 100, shot with 50mm, f/4.0(the lowest it could go), and 1/60 sec.

For all of my bokeh shots i referred to tutorials from other photographers and it was said to turn autofocus off and make it appear blurry which helped get the bokeh effect i was looking for. My settings for this one was at ISO 500 50mm, f/4.0, and 1/125 sec

As you can see the bokeh is being potrayed really bad at this point i put my autofocus on might have been where i went wrong. I wanted the lights to blur and the object to be in focus but i did not do so well on this one also my settings were probably another factor that did'nt help my photo. My settings for this photo were at ISO 6400, f/4.0, and 1/60 sec.

Again my mistake here was that my settings on the camera were off. My ISO was jacked up way too much and should've been lower than i had it at. Another factor was i probably needed more lights strung around the tree to get a better effect. i do think its not bad but its not what i was looking for in my bokeh project. My settings were at ISO 6400, f/4.0, and 1/60 sec.

For this shot i used the diamond cut out. The cut out was probably and inch away it was close to the lens for sure and that's why it has a distinct look to it. I was not expecting this to happen with the cut out but its a nice effect that i would have never thought of. I would say this is my favorite out of the pictures i took. It unique and not comparable to the others i shot. My settings for this one was ISO 6400, f/4.0, 1/60 sec.

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