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  • sysybear2003

2nd Football Game

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

This is the beginning performance for the Shoemaker Highschool V. Killeen Highschool football game. They are getting ready for the football players to come out and begin the game. They were lined up so that was a given opportunity to take a picture while they are in formation. They were really focused and steadily in sync.

This was the band practicing for the half-time performance so they would be prepared. The photo is clearly not the best and its hard for the band members not to look at me. As you can see the guy on the right side is looking at me and it takes away from the quality of the photos potential. I did edit the instruments to make it pop and stand out.

I personally don't like this photo. The band members are not good at keeping their composure because they always look at the camera. I was hoping they would go along and let me photograph while they practice but the person in the middle was looking at the camera unfortunately.

This photo is one of my favorites! I love that she kept her composure and stayed in position while I took her photos. I did have to edit a few minor things but overall she is picture ready.

I had to edit her uniform because it needed a few touch ups. I did'nt edit the picture above because I did'nt notice the minor details on her uniform

The action photos I captured were not good quality and nor was I in the mood to photograph. The game was'nt that great at all and they took time outs like every five minutes. It was not and enjoyable game for me therefore my motivation was at zero. My settings were off though as you can see. My f-stop was at 4.5, the iso was at 2500,and it was at 1/60 sec.

This photo is the shoemaker coach chewing out his football player right after Killeen made another score. He was very heated in conversation with them so I wanted to capture it before he was done getting on them.

This would've been a great shot if my settings were'nt off. The football players dog piled the shoemaker team to get the ball so I quickly got m y camera out and started shooting.

As you can see the reaction from the students is dry as ever. They really were not hyping up their football team and were nowhere as rowdy as the first football game I went to. Most of the students had blank expressionless faces and just went their to talk with friends and not root on their team. Some students were undoubtedly there for moral support and I respect that. And the shoemaker side was no better than the killeen side so it was disapointing.

This is the Half-time performance by the Shoemaker dance team. I got close to the performers so that my shots would be good quality. I was able to capture them while in action which was a great photo opportunity.

The Shoemaker band took on the field with confidence and fierce looks. They were steady in their course of actions. I was very amazed how focused he was and was able to get him in the shot. My iso was set at 8000m, f-stop was at 2.8, and my shutter speed was at 1/250 sec.

It was KIlleen's homecoming game and they were crowning the king and queen of homecoming. As you can see the king is getting crowned. I was'nt able to get the best picture cause the contestants were walking to the field and i did'nt wanna be in the way or get in trouble by someone so I kept my distance.

click below to see the rest of my football pics:

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